Business Impacted by War in Israel?

We are working with Israeli firms and Entrepreneurs to help them reach international markets and global friends in support of Israel.

Regions in Support of
Israeli Business

We are providing organized resources with local partners and agencies to ensure you can reach new markets. These are our focus markets.

North America

Corporate partners, economic/market access and Networks with Friends of Israel and Jewish Communities.

Latin America

Government sponsored economic program and Networks with Friends of Israel & Descendents of Jews


Corporate partners, economic/market access and Networks with Friends of Israel and Jewish Communities.
West Eur.

Our Strategy

Processing Support Requests

Have our team analyze requests and needs to determine best strategies for support and fulfillment

Join Israel Collective

Israeli companies can list on our directory so Friends of Israel in the US/EU/LATAM can support in business

International Business Brokering

We are actively helping Israeli firms access western markets to ensure the continuity of the Israeli economy

Request Support

You will be asked to fill out a private and confidential form by our team. We understand that you may be an employee to a firm and need to keep your request confidential for any variety of understandable reasons. We will not take action on your behalf without securing your permission.

After you file the private form you are welcome to join the business directory where we will list your firm to our members who may want to do business with you or support in a matter that you need.

Uniting the Jewish People around the world by recounting the legacy of the past and forging a new future in hope and solidarity.